Thursday, 21 January 2021

World IP Day 2021: "IP & SMEs: Taking your ideas to market"

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Jane Lambert

World Intellectual Property Day is an annual worldwide festival of creativity and innovation which takes place on or around the 26 April.   For the last two years, the Menai Science Park ("M-SParc") on the island of Anglesey in Northwest Wales has contributed to the festival (see Celebrating World IP Day at M-SParc: Basic Tips for Startups and other Small Businesses 29 April 2019 and Anglesey to celebrate World Intellectual Property Day with Talks on Protecting and Exploiting Green Innovation at M-SParc 6 March 2020).

Every year's World IP Day has a different theme.  The World Intellectual Property Organization (the UN specialist agency for intellectual property) has just announced that this year's theme will be "IP and SMEs: Taking your Ideas to Market."  That dovetails perfectly with M-SParc's plans for a lunchtime seminar on 26 April entitled How to use your IP to unlock financial opportunities which I mentioned in What Every Startup and Small Business in Wales should know about IP on 7 Jan 2021.

Our plans are still very much in flux but we were inspired by a webinar that was given by Andrew Davies of the Intellectual Property Office on IP and Funding for Growth and Jenny Tooth of the UK Angels Association on IP and Growth Funding a few months ago. We shall tailor our presentation to the resources and opportunities that are available for businesses in North Wales and invite local practitioners or practitioners with a local connection to speak wherever possible.  We shall try to chart a path from the bright idea in the bath to flotation on the AIM.

If the pandemic can be tamed by 26 April 2021 we should love to hold it in M-SParc before a live audience in the building as well as online.  The speakers would then be available for informal person to person consultations.   If that is not possible, you can already consult us by phone or Zoom.  The first step would be to call me on 020 7404 5252 during office hours or send me a message through my contact form.   I will either give you the answer if I happen to know it on signpost you to the right expert or resource if I don't.

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