Thursday 26 September 2024

The Welsh Science Parks' Convergent Content Scaler Programme


Jane Lambert

The Menai Science Park ("M-SParc") has been running a very successful accelerator programme for startups for several years.   In Two Kinds of Accelerators - Colin Jackson in a Race and Accelerators for StartupsI described accelerator programmes as "fixed-term, cohort-based programmes, that include mentorship and educational components and culminate in a public pitch event or demo day. Another way of describing an accelerator is as a cross between The Apprentice and Dragons' Den. Your idea is pinched, pulled and prodded tested to destruction but if it survives you will receive training, mentoring and ultimately funding." I discussed M-SParc's accelerator programme on 15 Feb 2022 and the Accelerator's Showcase on 22 June 2022.

Startups cannot remain startups forever and as I noted in IP Strategy to Scale-Up on 19 Oct 2021 the transition from startup to scaleup is often described as a chasm.   I explained in that article

"That is because most scale-ups are very different from start-ups in terms of governance, marketing and funding. One obvious difference is that start-ups can be funded by their founders themselves, possibly with the support of friends and family and maybe some grants or soft loans whereas scale-ups usually need investment from third parties such as angels, venture capitalists and in a few rare cases the AIM."

Such investors will expect safeguards for their investments and the bundle of laws that protect investment in innovation, branding and creativity is known collectively as "intellectual property."   It was for that reason that Tom Burke invited me to give a talk on "Safeguarding Investment in Convergent Content" to the Convergent Content Scaler between 10:00 and 12:00 on 25 Sept 2024.

The Convergent Content Scaler is a collaboration between M-SParc on Ynys Môn and Tramshed Tech in South Wales.   It is a 12-week programme in which participants will receive tailored support to help scale up and expand on creative tech projects as well as gain access to further funding, resources and coaching. I attended the launch at M-SParc and online on 12 Sept 2024 between 09:00 and 11:00.

My talk was received very generously by the audience. Klaire Tanner one of the attendees wrote:

"Completely forgot to tell you that I’ve been accepted onto the Convergent Content Scaler Programme, run by Tramshed Tech and M-SParc 🚀

Had a fantastic time this morning on the programme, Jane Lambert did a really insightful session on IP!"

She also posted some lovely photos of the smiling faces of the M-SParc attendees in the park's Collaboration Room.   Tom wrote:  "Was a fantastic session! Diolch yn fawr Jane Lambert."  I replied that it is always a pleasure to work with Tom and that Klaire had delivered a splendid talk on AI from which I had learnt a lot in the same room earlier this year.  For the convenience of those who attended my talk and anyone else who may be interested I have uploaded my slides to Slideshare,

After the talk, I discussed some of the IP issues of some of the members of the audience.  There was insufficient time to address everyone's issue and I invited the attendees to book appointments on our "Initial Advice and Signposting" clinic by filling in the form below.  Anybody wishing to discuss this article may call me on 020 7404 5252 during normal office hours or send me a message through my contact page.

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